Ted Williams Model 100 Serial Numbers
how can i find out how old my ted williams model 100 30-30 is and how much its worth?It is also marked as sears roebuck.
Looking up age of serial number Discussion in '. One is a Winchester 94ae and the other is a sears M200 Ted Williams model shot gun.
That is either gonna be a Marlin 336 or Winchester 94 manufactured rifle under the 'Ted Williams' trade name. (It *should* be a Winchester 94)
Ted Williams Model 100 Serial Numbers
Go by the serial numbers for which ever exact make & model you have.
Check here if a 94.
[Broken link]
How do u find out what year sears roebuk model 100 is?
The serial number sequence may (should) mirror Marlins conventional serial number / date of manufacture info.
What are the first three charachters of the serial number ? Letter/s/numbers
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Malayalam movie songs free download mp3. how do I find when my Ted Williams Model 100 30 30 was made and about what it is worth?
Sears guns were made by various different firearms manufacturers. The Model 100 was made by Winchester and the actual Sears model number should be 273.532141. It is basically a post-64 Model 94.
In high graded condition, the value will be around $300.
Dates are a bit tough to determine because the serial numbers are not included in the Winchester sequence. I don't have a reference guide for Sears serial numbers, if such a thing exists.