Run Vbs File From Cmd Peru
I assume this is a classic case of 'pass-the-buck'. Other people who have asked Edge-related questions in the MSDN Internet Explorer forum get pointed right back to this site. So which is it? Edge cannot do it or nobody knows how?
How to Create and Run a CMD batch file. To prepare a new batch script, save the file as plain ASCII text with the file extension.CMD. Run a batch file. Sep 5, 2012 - Greetings, Wish to call a Visual Basic Script from a stored process. The code was developed and tested successfully on Base SAS.
OK - Edge can do it. I figured out how on my own.
To pass the parameters, I had to change the order of the commands to open the windows/tabs.
Example batch file. Save to Windows directory and call from start/run. Edge 'Peru will result in articles, warnings, etc. about the country. The quotation mark prior to Peru is necessary if you have more than one word in the search criterion.
@echo off
start /MIN /B microsoft-edge:''%1%
start /MIN /B microsoft-edge:''%1% Wreck it ralph trailer soundtrack.
start /MIN /B microsoft-edge:''%1%
start /MIN /B microsoft-edge:''%1%
Run Vbs File From Cmd Perus
Having a hard time with this one. I can run the following command from a command prompt successfully, but can't get it working with a VB script.
From CMD:
- Change directory to C:Program Files (x86)VMwareVMware Workstation
- then run: vmrun.exe -T ws start 'C:UsersOfficeDocumentsVirtual MachinesWindows 7Windows 7.vmx' nogui
What I've tried in VBS:
The error I get is: The system cannot find the file specified.